Check out our frequently asked questions
How much does a translation cost?
The budget depends on the combination of languages, the project length, the level of complexity, and urgency.
We are happy to send you our rates — please don’t hesitate to ask for a quote. Projects of particular technical complexity or that are on a tight deadline may be subject to different rates.
Is it an automatic or “machine” translation?
No. All of our translations are done by human beings, and later reviewed by a second expert.
Our professionals make use of specialized online tools and dictionaries when necessary.
Do you offer bulk discounts?
Of course! If your organization needs help with a large volume of work, we will gladly offer you a discounted rate.
How do you select the linguists you work with?
Linguists are selected based on their curriculum (academic degree, professional specialty and years of experience) and the results of a translation test reviewed by a native speaker.
What payment methods do you accept?
Payments should be made via bank transfer or PayPal within 30 days from the invoice date.
What are your deadlines?
In general, you should expect one day for every 1000 to 2000 words of text to be revised or translated. However, it’s important to us to adapt to your needs, and we are able to guarantee faster turn-around times when necessary.